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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Random thoughts.....

I felt like writing, so I just started hammering away on my keyboard.  It's not MEANT to be a finished project, nor is it the start of any project.   It's not MEANT to flow well, or make you like its style or context.   I just felt like writing.   So, here it sits.  Maybe I'll expand it someday.

                At some point, I started to wonder if I was the mad-man.  This isn’t something that is thrown out as a writer’s clever trick, it’s meant to be taken literally.  It was a troubling time, and it took over my life for days.

                In those days, I stopped judging everyone except myself.  In those days, I opened my mind to a level that I’ve never experienced.  I thought of staggering numbers and welcomed the panic inducing weight that they leveled across my lungs.  In those days I slept little, and my appetite faded. 

                I thought of the vast majority of Americans that believed in God.  I thought of millions of people that believe in their core that angels are all around us.  I felt what they felt, as I listened to preachers plead with people like myself to give up my search for truth.   I listened to conservative politicians as they connected the dots between theistic beliefs and their own concepts of political ideology.  I think it had been needed for a while, because I don’t think the way they think.  I don’t understand, nor do I begin to understand the world around us, in the way that they do.  In fact I don’t see the world the way most do, conservative or not.  I see it in the form of math when I look at the stars; the temperature of Venus, the element content of Jupiter’s red storm eye.  Billions of miles lay between my fingertips and the closest star.  I see the world’s order in logical steps.  The blade of grass eaten by the insect, the insect that is snatched from the air by the bird, which is eaten by a snake, which burns all of the nutrients only to die and get eaten and disposed of by the tiny waste disposal units of the woods, like ants and maggots and any number of festering insects.      
                Calling that the circle of life seems to fluff up what it’s like for the snake or insect.  It’s a violent battle to eat or be eaten, which rarely ends with a quite death for any of them.  It’s a system where hyenas chew the soft underbelly of an antelope as it dies, because it’s more efficient.  It’s a system where a wasp lays its eggs in a caterpillar that will have a bleak future of being eaten from within by the larva, before they burst through his skin to leave him to wonder what was happening.  In this cycle, I see only a system derived by creatures with cold and calculating instincts, honed only to ignore the pleas of captured prey, and to survive.  I see this struggle as I feed rats to my pet snake, and I see desperation in the eyes of the rat, as it gasps for air while the reptile coils tighter. 
                I can’t understand the opinion that this was a system created out of goodness.  I certainly can’t understand the notion that it wasn’t like this, yet became like this, because two humans defied a greater power.  I can’t understand that notion in the text of books, or on nature shows or even in front of my face as I feed my snake.  All this suffering began because of defiance?  Not any of these creatures’s defiance or mine or yours, but some douche and tart that we never knew?   I don’t understand that.  I don’t understand people that think that way.  

                So, I emerged myself in their world- or, as close to it as I could.  I tried to listen and to understand where they were coming from.  In a metaphorical sense, I was trying to figure out of I was a one eyed man in a world of blind people, or if I was the blind man in a world that saw what I couldn’t.  

                Days later, I came to the conclusion that I was not a one eyed man.  In fact, I had vision that went far beyond the comprehension of millions.  It’s like looking at a tree, and being the only one that knows about the roots.  Then I became sad when I realized that seeing the world as I do should be easy.  All that is needed is a little education and just a little courage. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

I had a PLAN!

Well, I did….

                Years ago, I got locked out of an email account, and it took hours to get back in, because I had forgotten my answer to the security question “What is your favorite song?”   That, by the way, should never be asked as a security question.  

                Hours went by, as I tried to remember what song would have been my most favorite 3 years ago, when I set up this account at 3 am, while consuming beer.  How’s that for not being well thought out?  As it turns out, the song was “Vogue” by Madonna.  No further discussion will be had on this matter. 

                So I created a plan.  I would never again get locked out of emails, or websites or a webpage where I would need to have some obscure email address or username.  That plan involved a 3X5 card, and lots of emails.  The plans was as follows :
                Create an email address to use for only certain activities.  I have had magazine subscriptions and website subscriptions and so forth, so for any website where I had to pay a monthly or yearly subscription to, I used a specific email address.  This way if I needed to log in or recover a password, I knew which to enter.  The same process goes for junk mail / websites, where you want to access a site and they ask for an email address, but you know you’ll never use it again… I had an email for that.  For current bills – one email address.  For close friends and family, where I would only have contact with them… I had an email for that too, and you can see the pattern I’m building. 

                Now what if something went nuts, and I couldn’t remember the password for these?  After all, when I make a password, usually I make some 0b5cuR3 password with letters and numbers to cut down on the hacking.  I had a plan for that too.   That plan was in the form of a single 3X5 index card.   On it, every password I use is clearly written in a miniscule nature, and then hidden in a safe location. 

That was my plan.

                Fast forward to 3 hours ago.  I worked last night, and after getting home I took a nap.  When I woke up, it was to a sound from my iPhone which I’ve never heard before.  Very long story short, it committed hari-kari.  After hours of reading on the internets and talking to tech guys at Apple, I’ve decided that it’s a lost cause.  This sucker has done everything it can, short of a suicide note, to let me know that it’s time to change phones.  This mainly sucks, because I had all my email passwords stored in, and read 99% of my emails through my iPhone.  Pain in the butt.
                Oh well.  Time to go on the AT&T site and see if I can get an upgrade.  Wait..  I cleared out passwords two days ago.  If it’s not one thing, it’s another, but eh no real worries right?  After all, Greg has a system!   I go over to retrieve the previously mentioned 3X5 card with all my passwords, so I can get the password for my AT&T account, and get a new phone to store these damn passwords in - again. 

                Where, is the damn card?  Wait..  Where is it?  Oooooh  yeah..  I used it a week ago, and left it on the desk… that I cleaned off… and threw away all the miscellaneous scrap pieces of OH MY GOD KILL ME NOW, TRASH DAY WAS 2 DAYS AGO!

                All is not lost, because I know a few passwords, so I go to yahoo to check mail from close friends and family, and that ladies and gents, is where I’ve been for an hour.  I forgot the password, and I forgot the email address I set up for recovery (that info was on my 3X5), and the only other option is to send a text to my now dead iPhone.

                I had a plan… >=(

This reminds me of one of my favorite moments in The West Wing:  Donna had a System

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Getting back into the gym

Written 08/01/2012
NOTE: Nothing special about this post.  I just wanted to get this down some where so I can't back out.

                Years ago, I was a gym rat.  I was tired of being called ‘slim’, and decided to get my slim ass in the gym.  I did not do this solely for the purpose of bulking up, but also because I knew I’d feel better day to day.  When I was in the Air Force, fitness was a thing for lots of us.  We’d eat healthy meals, hit the gym and workout.  It was in one of those gym in 2003 that I dislocated my right  shoulder, while working out.  

                I was bench pressing and my right arm shifted off balance, and I heard a sound and suddenly all the weight above me came down on top of me.  Oddly, I wasn’t going for a max at that time.  I was just warming up, really.  Weights crashed, I yelled, people rushed over and lifted weights off of me, and I had to not lift anything higher than my head for a few weeks.  It healed, but I never got back into the gym.  

                Then in 2009, I got bitten by the gym bug again, and I started the routine over again.  I went with a good friend of mine named Zac, who turned out o be an awesome gym partner.  If I didn’t want to go, he’d show up at my place anyway, and kick my ass out of bed.  I felt fantastic, and started to gain weight back.  I mean hell, I was looking good.  Not Godzilla sized of course, but athletic and toned.

                Sadly, I was later so overwhelmed with classes and youtube and work and the gym that something quite simply HAD to give.  I was going on 3-4 hours of sleep a night, which I can do, but not when I’m expected to keep grades up and balance weights above my head (I learned that lesson).  So, I dropped out of the gym, and haven’t walked back into the gym since.

                Now I’m getting that bug again.  I’ve found a basic diet, similar to the one I used years ago, and an editing together a workout routine again.  I’ll most likely join a gym, and start going consistently in a few weeks.  I know that when I start, it’ll be a huge investment of time, but hey, none of us are getting any younger, you know? 

                Maybe soon, I’ll get from looking like this (today):

                Back to my happy weight and build (2009):

    Didn't I look serious?   
