You know those little things that just get under your skin? They are different for almost everyone, of course, but I have one that strikes a chord in me each time I read/see/hear/hear of it.
“God blessed me with a child” or “My child is a gift from God” are two phrases that get me irked. I mean really pissed. Let us, for the sake of argument, forgo the fact that I’m an Atheist, and let’s pretend I’m a Christian. This would STILL piss me off… I had a friend that was happily married. He and his wife got pregnant with a baby girl. When the child came, she was stillborn. I say this now, as I said long before this tragedy happened, they are far better humans than I am. He was the guy you wished would date your sister, and she was a five foot tall kindergarten teacher.
What the hell do you say to them, after you just opened your mouth and declared that YOUR child was a gift from God? What was his daughter? A practical joke? So God was going to give them the gift of a child, but at the last second he pulled the rug out from under them, in a classic “yank the chair while someone sits” move?
What about the child born with a crippling disorder? What about the child that is born, but takes the mother’s life during birth? What the hell do you say to that now almost father, when you play the “I’m so awesome that God blessed me with a child” speech? Name a crime he could commit, that would warrant that punishment. I can’t.
Not long after, because of an infection, my friend’s wife lost the ability to have any more children. Keep it classy, Yahweh.
God didn’t bless you with a child, because if you REALLY believe that, then the opposite must be true for families that have bad pregnancies. Don’t give me that mysterious ways line. You used up all your freebies with that one.
Let us say that you are “blessed” with a child, and that child grows up. It’s a fact that at one time all of the worst humans that ever lived were bundles of joy, just as every terrible-mean-awful human that will ever be born will be a bundle of joy. Somewhere today, a baby was born, that will kill, rape and murder innocents. I wonder if his parents are calling him a gift.
God did not bless you with a child. You, ladies, had a man’s sperm injected into your uterus at the same time that you were pumping an egg down your fallopian tubes. That is why you got pregnant.
The child may save the world, but he may also want to watch it burn. The child could be born easily, or he could take his mother’s life while coming into the world. Stop elevating your child to the level of divine blessing, just because you timed a 2 am fuck correctly.
P.S. Think of anything you could get, that someone else won’t. Now think about how many times someone thanked God for that thing. It could be a job, making a team or not being in an intersection where a wreck has just occurred. Apply what I said here to any of those. Because if God is blessing you, he’s screwing over someone else.